The Annals of the May 2013 GARDEN conference now available

Laurent Honnoré et Isabelle Parmentier, “Archives, histoire et développement durable”, “Les Carnets du développement durable, CDD-6”, Namur 2013.

The texts of the contributions of the one-day conference of the GARDEN-project “Archives, history and sustainable development – Archives, histoire et développement durable” held at the State Archives of Mons, May 27th, 2013 are from now available in print in the series “Les Carnets du développement durable”.

The contributions treat different aspects of current research on environmental history in Belgium:

Sébastien Dubois, State Archives Brussels, on the new BRAIN program for financing scientific research,

Caluwé Danielle, State Archives Leuven and Kevin Troch, State Archives Mons, on the forthcoming GARDEN Guide for institutional sources for environmental research,

Paul Drossens, State Archives Beveren, on the importance of judicial sources for environmental research,

Lauren Honnoré, State Archives Mons, on the possibilities of the files of the provincial administration for urban planning for environmental research.

Luc Vandeweyer, State Archives Brussels, with a more global approach on the further research topics of archival sources of the First World War on the social and environmental impact of war on landscape, humans and animals,

Claude Depauw, archivist of teh city of Mouscron, on the possibilities offered by city archives for the study of the local environment, the case of the City archives of Mouscron.

Pieter De Reu, Ghent university, presents the opportunities of the use of Heritage documentation and archives of land registry as a dynamic tool for the study of real estate ownership from 1795 up till now.

Isabelle Parmentier, University of Namur, develops the relation between environmental history, sustainable development, especially on bio diversity, floods and forest transition, and Public history.

Marie-Laurence Dubois, Etopia, presents the current situation of the private environmental archives in the French speaking part of Belgium.

François Antoine, State Archives Brussels, draws some preliminary conclusions on the conference.

Laurent Honnoré et Isabelle Parmentier, “Archives, histoire et développement durable”, “Les Carnets du développement durable, CDD-6”, Namur 2013.

You can download a free pdf-version at the website http: // or order a hard copy at

Presses universitaires de Namur,

Rempart de la Vierge, 13

BE-5000 Namur (Belgique)




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Danielle Caluwe (16 janvier 2014). The Annals of the May 2013 GARDEN conference now available. GARDEN. Consulté le 10 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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